New Educational Program available for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Over the last couple of years, Arthritis Consumer Experts have been diligently working on an educational program for people living with rheumatoid arthritis. They have developed an online educational program, JointHealth Education, which helps patients better communicate with their rheumatologist and other healthcare providers, by understanding their diagnosis and the medical terminology often used within an appointment. The group explains, “this new education program is based on the latest research and will help you go from being a ‘student’ of arthritis to full-fledged ‘graduate’, and help you in your role as leader of your health care team.”1

There are six lessons involved in the program and at the completion of these modules a certificate of graduation is issued.

More information about the program is available in this video that Arthritis Consumer Experts have released:

Click here to register for this program.

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