Show Love to your Heart

As February is heart month, today is an excellent occasion to really show why we love our hearts and how we can reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease.  Many studies have shown that patients who have autoimmune conditions are at higher risk of developing heart-related problems such as heart attacks and strokes.  This is in addition to the risks from other conditions and lifestyles like smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. There are several changes we can make to our lifestyles to reduce heart disease risk and ensure our heart is always loved.

The first step is eating healthy, and a well-balanced diet will also help maintain a healthy weight. Canada’s food guide is a great place to start learning about portions, healthy recipes, and other tips. Click on the following link to access Canada’s food guide: Canada’s Food Guide.

The next step is to address movement and sleep.  The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) has created a diagram for each age group that shows the recommended time of physical activity and sleep required to keep our heart healthy, along with limiting inactive/sedentary time.

Ex. Adults aged 18-64:

·         Physical Activity – 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise which can be spread out throughout the week.

·         Sleep – 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep with consistent wake-up/bedtime.

·         Sedentary lifestyle – less than 3 hours of recreational screen time and minimizing long periods of sitting.  

Click on the following link to access their resources: 24-Hour Movement Guidelines – Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines (

Our heart never takes a break for us. It pumps for 24 hours and 7 days a week. Let’s do our part to show our hearts some love by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Parvinder is a clinical pharmacist and a recent graduate from the University of Toronto. He enjoys learning about the ever-evolving field of autoimmune conditions and their treatment options.  

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