Monthly Archives: March 2017
Fatigue and Psoriasis
Fatigue can be caused by many factors from low levels of iron or vitamin B12 to low thyroid function. However, feeling fatigued can be a complaint of people suffering with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in whom these levels are normal. … Continue reading
Moisturizing and Psoriasis
Moisturizing the skin is one of the hallmarks of psoriasis treatment. Choose a moisturizer that is free from perfumes and is endorsed by the Canadian Dermatology Association. Multiple applications may be needed each day especially in cold dry weather. The … Continue reading
New Educational Program available for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Over the last couple of years, Arthritis Consumer Experts have been diligently working on an educational program for people living with rheumatoid arthritis. They have developed an online educational program, JointHealth Education, which helps patients better communicate with their rheumatologist and … Continue reading
Stress and Autoimmune Disorders
Hormonal, environmental, genetic, and immunological factors are all important considerations in autoimmune diseases. Approximately 50% of all trigger factors are unknown. “Many retrospective studies found that a high proportion (up to 80%) of patients reported uncommon emotional stress before disease … Continue reading
Can pharmacists administer vaccines?
In December of 2016, pharmacists in the province of Ontario who have received injection training were given the authority by the Minister of Health to administer additional vaccines. Until this time, pharmacists could only administer the annual flu shot. From … Continue reading