Monthly Archives: August 2020
Do you continue methotrexate while on biologics?
This week we’re bringing you the another question submitted by our one of our clients and social media followers! If you have a question you’d like to submit, please email us here. Question: I am currently taking methotrexate for my rheumatoid arthritis. … Continue reading
Can I have the Shingrix vaccine while on Prolia?
This week we’re bringing you the another question submitted by our one of our clients and social media followers! If you have a question you’d like to submit, please email us here. Question: Can I have the Shingrix vaccine while on Prolia? … Continue reading
How do we know when we achieve remission?
This week we’re bringing you the another question submitted by our one of our clients and social media followers! If you have a question you’d like to submit, please email us here. Question: How do we know when we achieve pharmaceutical remission? … Continue reading
Is it safe to have the Shingles vaccine if you are on Prolia?
This week we’re bringing you the another question submitted by our one of our clients and social media followers! If you have a question you’d like to submit, please email us here. Question: Is it safe to have the Shingles vaccine if … Continue reading