Charlton Health is very proud of our team as they continue to offer excellent care during this difficult time. As we are very aware of the importance of maintaining treatment for autoimmune diseases, we are making every effort to ensure your treatment continues with the highest measures of safety. All infusion clinics are screening every patient before they come for an infusion to be sure they have no symptoms, have not been in contact with a positive case of COVID-19, or a quarantined person and have not travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days. Each clinic fully cleans all surfaces before and after each patient and is positioning patients to maintain an appropriate distancing. A person on treatment in a state of low disease activity, has less infection risk than a flared untreated person.
Our advice is:
- Maintain treatment
- Practice excellent hand washing
- Don’t touch your face
- Maintain physical distancing
- Continue with your medical treatment and appointments when appropriate, and other than that: STAY HOME!