Important Disclaimer: The Trillium program does not include seniors on the government funded plan. The Trillium program is a separate, unique plan that beneficiaries apply to receive.
The NEW Trillium year starts August 1 2020.
Trillium will automatically renew your Trillium account if they have access to the 2019 tax return for all members of your family over the age of 18 by the end of April.
During Covid-19 many people have taken advantage of the later income tax submission date of June 1st. It is important to remember that if you have the Trillium plan for your medication expense, that their requirement to access the appropriate information from CRA to calculate your annual deductible was still April 30th. If your tax return was not filed by the end of April, the following documents must be submitted to Trillium before the end of July to make sure there is no “hold” put on your Trillium account.
- If you or your family member had NO income in 2019 then please write a letter stating you had $0 income in 2019.
- You can submit copies of your T4 to Trillium as proof of income.
- If your tax return has been completed but not submitted, you can send a copy of your T1 General. This is usually 3 – 4 pages. Send all pages and please note that the final page must be signed.
- If you filed your taxes late but now have your Notice of Assessment from CRA, you can send this to Trillium OR call Trillium to have them pull the information from CRA.
- If you are self-employed, then please contact Trillium to ask what documents can be submitted.
- If a child in your household turns 16 on or after the 1st of August, they must sign the Trillium consent form. This must be mailed to Trillium.
All documents must have your Trillium file reference number (starts with RA) written on every page. If you do not know your RA number, then include your health card number.
Please send your paperwork to Trillium using one of the following:
- By Fax 416 642 3034
- By Email
- By Mail Trillium Drug Program, P.O. Box 337, Station D, Etobicoke, ON N9A 4X3
Please retain all original documents and send scanned or photocopies of your documents. Do not send photographs or original copies of your paperwork (unless original signature is required).
If you have not heard from Trillium by the end of June, please contact Trillium or Charlton Health.
Charlton Health is happy to help you submit the required documents to Trillium.
Please contact:
Edel 905 526 7002 EXT 1126
Michelle 905 526 7002 EXT 1109
Tabitha 905 526 7002 Ext. 1127