Bonefit is a program that was designed by health professionals in cooperation with the Osteoporosis Society to “reduce fractures, morbidity, mortality and costs from osteoporosis through an integrated and comprehensive approach aimed at health promotion and disease management.”1 The program has three self directed modules and a workshop component. Specialists in rehabilitation medicine must complete a certification course to be instructors. The Bonefit website lists where instructors can be found anywhere in Canada. There are several in southern Ontario in a range of settings, from private clinics to the YMCA.
Learn more about this program by contacting:
Phone: 416-696-2663 ext. 2290
Maintaining the goal of 150 minutes of exercise per week is important for all Canadians. However, doing it in a way that is safe and offers your the most benefit is important. Using this resource can help you make sure any exercise you’re doing is done safely.
Carolyn Whiskin is the Pharmacy Manager for Charlton Health. Carolyn specializes in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, pharmaceutical compounding, women’s health, pain and smoking cessation. Carolyn has won provincial and national awards for her commitment to patient care and public service.