Ontario Announces Newly Funded Adult Pneumonia Vaccine

Vaccines are important in protecting us from many types of bacterial pneumonia, which can lead to serious illness including hospitalization and death. To increase protection, Ontario’s publicly funded pneumonia vaccine program now provides Prevnar 20 to adults 65 years of age and older, as well as high risk adults regardless of age. This replaces the previously funded Pneumovax 23 and Prevnar 13.

What is Prevnar 20?

Prevnar 20 protects against 20 types of bacterial pneumonia (known as Streptococcal pneumonia). This vaccine has been approved by Health Canada since 2022 and is given as a single injection. Until now, many adults have received this vaccine through private coverage or paying out-of-pocket.

Comparison to Other Pneumonia Vaccines

Prior to this new coverage, Prevnar 13 was publicly funded for all adults 65 years of age and older as well as high-risk adults aged 50 years and older. Prevnar 13 protects against 13 types of bacterial pneumonia. The additional 7 types covered by Prevnar 20 cause about 40% of pneumococcal disease cases and deaths.

Pneumovax 23 (Pneumovax) was given 8 weeks after Prevnar 13 to protect against 23 strains of bacterial pneumonia. However, Pneumovax’s effects last approximately 5 years due to the vaccine formulation. Prevnar 20 offers longer protection and a greater immune response because of the newer technology in how the vaccine is prepared.

What if I have already received a pneumonia vaccine?

  • If Prevnar 13 alone was given, wait 8 weeks and give Prevnar 20
  • If Pneumovax given, wait one year and give Prevnar 20 (can wait 8 weeks then give Prevnar 20 if rapid completion is required).
  • If 1 dose of Prevnar 13 and 1 dose of Pneumovax given, wait one year and then give Prevnar 20 (can wait 8 weeks then give Prevnar 20 if rapid completion is required).

The Future of Pneumonia Vaccines

Vaccines continue to evolve to cover even more types of bacterial pneumonia. It is important to receive the best protection that is currently available. Although no booster for Prevnar 20 is suggested, make sure you remain informed on the latest vaccine updates.

Joyce Ayad is a 4th year pharmacy student from the University of Waterloo, currently completing her final rotation at Charlton Health. She believes in providing patient-focused care, supported by her previous experience working with specialty drugs, the pharmaceutical industry, and more. Joyce is eager to become a licensed pharmacist this year. 

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