One of the risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis has been linked to periodontal disease. A study from Japan was presented at the recent European Rheumatology Conference (EULAR). It found that people who had rheumatoid arthritis along with periodontal disease had a greater level of disease activity in regards to their arthritis. There were less people in the periodontal disease group that were able to reach remission and there was also a greater risk of infection including pneumonia and shingles in this group. This underlines the importance of good dental care, especially in populations that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
Carolyn Whiskin is the Pharmacy Manager for Charlton Health. Carolyn specializes in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, pharmaceutical compounding, women’s health, pain and smoking cessation. Carolyn has won provincial and national awards for her commitment to patient care and public service.